Industry – Agriculture – Customer Case Study


Our customer has been part of the rural Australian farming community for over 150 years. They play a critical role in helping farmers across the planet to increase food production in a sustainable manner.

The Challenge

As our customer merged two large businesses, they found they needed to consolidate the process of location management. This included:

  • Updating of all online branch location information, e.g. contact details, opening hours, location descriptions etc.
  • Consistency amongst brand assets, naming conventions, business and branch descriptions,
  • Missing branches to be claimed and verified at scale from Google My Business (GMB),
  • Centralisation of locations across from two entities to be managed under one platform.

Our customer had a few branches already utilising White Pages and the White Pages Connect platform. However, their remaining 300 locations needed to be managed under one brand and one platform – providing one source of truth.

As the two businesses merged, the team implemented a new brand architecture and rebrand. This required a mass roll-out of brand signage and an in-store refresh and update to the online customer experience for over 300 locations.

The Solution

Our customer approached the White Pages Enterprise team to define and build a solution that was going to enable them to create, merge, claim, and verify all their branch locations through Google My Business (GMB) and auditing and removing rouge and closed locations.

Working with Google, the White Pages Enterprise team created a phased onboarding approach to onboard hundreds of locations at a time, which aligned to the offline branding activity. By batching the process has ensured a seamless and consistent customer experience and journey, which mirrored the rollout.

The Benefits

With White Pages Connect, our customer has ensured all their branch locations are consistent and visible online, enhancing the consumer journey and experience. They also have personalised content to indicate service offering, key attributes, and key branch specialisations unique to the local area.

The team have been able to ensure that all locations in both search and maps are optimised for the customer and consistent from online to print

The Results

Our customer has seen some incredible results since implementing White Pages Connect. As we assisted the customer in the setup and verification of completely new GMB locations, the performance results are reflective of implementation.

We compared three months of data from October – December 2019* before White Pages Connect set up with the same period the following year (October – September 2020).


Increase in Visibility and Impressions in Google Search and Maps.​


Increase in Search Queries in Google Search and Maps.​


Increase in clicks on profile in Google Search and Maps.​​​

*Information is up to date when data was downloaded (14th January 2021) and subject to change. Performance results are not mutually exclusive and can also be attributed to an integrated digital strategy, including organic, owned, and paid advertising activity from the customer.