Industry – Banking – Customer Case Study

The Customer stats:

Location: Victoria and East Coast Australia
# of locations: 15
Joined White Pages Connect: February 2019


A boutique bank with over 10 locations located predominately across Victoria and up the east coast of Australia. As an independent, our client is a customer-owned bank that incorporates credit unions and co-operatives, with a focus on sustainability and corporate social responsibility to its customers.

The Challenge

Like many in the banking sector, our client has experienced changes with branch and physical locations and operating model as consumers engage more with banks online. A consistent approach with customers who search, as well as require face-to-face interaction, remains essential.

Our client found that online references to their branch banking services, opening hours and contact information were inconsistent across multiple locations. Updating all these profiles was time-consuming and inefficient. With a lean marketing team, the marketing-enabled platforms needed to allow them to make quick changes, ensure consistency, and support the online strategy.

As an independent banking service, our client competes with the big 4 Australian banks. The service offered to customers must be consistent both online and offline.

The Solution

Working with our key accounts and customer success team, the White Pages Connect solution has enabled our client to manage 15 branch locations with a possible 300 distribution endpoints – all from one platform.

They can now update and manage location opening hours across the east coast and time zones, enabling the team to engage customers at their need moment.

As branches have closed or reduced hours, our client has been able to update these changes to individual locations in near real-time, without waiting for other platforms or Google My Business to make and action updates.

The Benefits

White Pages Connect has ensured our client details are correct, consistent, and updated regularly from a single location, providing a single source of truth.

Our client has an established and uniform brand presence across all their locations and ensures they are displayed alongside other competitors, increasing reach and visibility.

The Results

Performance comparison of 3 months pre-implementation (Oct – Dec 2018) with the same period post implementation (Oct – Dec 2019)


Increase in Visibility and Impressions in Google Search and Maps.​


Increase in Search Queries in Google Search and Maps.​


Increase in clicks on profile in Google Search and Maps.​

Call to Action Buttons:


Click to call


Click to directions


Click to visit website

*Information is up to date when data was downloaded (14th January 2021) and subject to change. Performance results are not mutually exclusive and can also be attributed to an integrated digital strategy, including organic, owned, and paid advertising activity from the customer.