5 things every tradie SMB needs on their website

Tradies are the men and women who keep Australia moving. From construction and repairs to electrical connections and seamless plumbing, there are thousands of tradespeople across the country supporting our infrastructure and growth. 

In fact, more than one in five working males are tradesmen or technicians, which means that not only are there many skilled tradespeople to choose from, every tradie must build an exceptional website in order to stand out from the crowd. 

Building things with physical tools might be your specialty, but making connections with customers online and digital marketing is ours, so here’s our list of the top five things every tradie small business owner must include on their website. 

Tradie on a worksite

1. A full list of services

When someone runs a search for an emergency plumber, tile fitter, or glass repairer, they are running what’s called an ‘informational search’. Essentially, they’re looking for information about someone who could fix their current problem. 

This is one of the three main types of searches people can run, and it’s vital that your website is designed to answer that quest for information. In order to meet that standard, your website must include a full list of services, ideally with descriptions of what each service entails. 

For example, an electrician wouldn’t simply claim to offer ‘residential electrical services’, but rather the full breadth of their skills, such as rewiring, security system installation, meter board servicing, sockets servicing, downlight installation, LED upgrades, and everything in between. 

This will help to ensure that customers can not only find your website, but confirm that you offer the skills and experience they’re looking for. 


2. A business review collection

Customer reviews can have a major effect on the decision making process of potential new clients. 

Authentic reviews can help readers to get a feel for your products or services, and for how you interact with clients, and keep your promises. It might not be quite the same as a word-of-mouth referral from a friend, but it is as close as it gets. 

Therefore, be sure to request reviews from current and past clients, and update your website with a collection of business reviews to help convince new customers of your quality and value. Make sure you have platforms where customers can do this – Google My Business is the go-to for many clients, but you can also receive reviews on your Facebook page if you enable this function.

Reviews stars and hand

3. Social media links

Social media has become an inherent part of business marketing for both small business and large. If you haven’t created a business page on Facebook yet, it’s worth investing the time to set one up and schedule regular posts to add another route for customers to find and contact you. 

Once completed, add buttons or links from your website to your social media profiles. This will help to legitimise your business, offer more information for customers, and give them another way to contact you that they may be more comfortable with. 


4. A form for requesting a quote

Customers browsing your website are often there for information, but once they have decided that you have the skills and knowledge to help with their needs, they

’ll likely be ready to take the next step and determine the cost.

Rather than a generic contact form, make it clear that you offer a free, no-obligation quote for your work. When a customer reaches out, this is your chance to make the most of that connection by responding quickly, professionally, and with a clear quote. 

Form fill

5. Clear contact details 

It might seem obvious to include a contact page, but this is actually an important part of optimising your website for local SEO. Local SEO is simply a way of marketing your business to local audiences, as it helps your business to rise in the search results for anyone looking for tradespeople nearby.

When your contact page includes your name, address, phone numbers, email address, and a Google map location, this helps to confirm your location to Google, letting Google’s search algorithm know that you offer tradie services in a specific area, so they can match your business to those running location-specific searches. 

Once your website is complete, you can stay on top of your reviews, update your online directory listings (such as Google My Business), and create social media posts to maintain your online presence with one simple tool – White Pages Connect. Be sure to explore the full suite of tools on offer with White Pages Connect to find out how it can make your digital life that much easier.