Reputation management: what is it and how to ace it

Managing your business reputation

Reputation management is the effort to influence how people think of your brand online. Since the majority of prospective customers base buying decisions on reviews and your online space, having a way to increase brand awareness and counter negative feedback is invaluable. 

Businessman hand putting yellow star which is printed on wooden cube. Customer evaluation survey and satisfaction concept. (Businessman hand putting yellow star which is printed on wooden cube. Customer evaluation survey and satisfaction concept., ASC

Tips for online reputation management


1. Social media monitoring 

Knowing what people are saying about your business is invaluable. Perform regular searches on your brand name or product on each social platform to monitor what’s being said so you can respond swiftly. 

85% of consumers research a company online before they buy – this includes any social media presence you have. Your website might be the final place they go to find out more about you, so don’t underestimate the power of your social accounts. Frequent interactions on social media is vital to business success. 


2. Strengthen brand reputation 

Create legitimacy with the content you post by being consistent with your branding. Try and keep logos, colour schemes, and layouts similar across your profiles. This is also true for tone of voice. The way you communicate influences how people perceive your messaging and represents your brand’s personality and values. 


3. Keep up to date

With so many sites listing your contact information, it’s sometimes hard to keep track of them all. But having an old telephone number on your Google listing, broken links to your website, or dated product photos looks unprofessional – White Pages Connect can help keep your business details up to date across the major sites including Google and Facebook. 

White Pages Connect - Platform icons - Google, Facebook

4. Encourage reviews

Consumers are valuing the opinions of other customers and online reviews more than anything you have to say about your own brand. Online reviews are powerful tools. If your customers are happy, ask them to post a review – they’re most likely to when prompted. White Pages Connect enables you to see and respond to reviews all in the one place. 


5. Respond promptly 

Whether it’s a negative review or just a query, make sure you acknowledge the person as soon as possible to show you value them. If it’s a negative review, let them know you are working on their complaint and get back to them with a solution or apology if necessary. If it’s an online query, take the effort to respond properly. When people ask questions via Facebook, they are evaluating whether or not they should buy from you, so put your best foot forward. 

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6. Flag inappropriate/fake reviews

Monitor any false or misleading comments in your Google My Business reviews and you can flag them as inappropriate. If they violate policy, they could potentially be taken down.

White Pages Connect allows you to stay on top of your social media platforms, apps, directory listings, search engines, and maps all at once, giving you a single point of control to simplify how you manage your online reputation.