The top 5 dos and don’ts in digital marketing for small business

There’s an intimidating and ever-increasing array of tips and advice for small business owners when it comes to digital marketing. So much so that it can be overwhelming rather than helpful.

For those getting started in digital marketing for small business, we’ve collated the top 5 dos and don’ts to keep things simple, manageable, and importantly, doable.


DO: Get on board the social media train

Almost 8 in 10 Australians actively use social media, and more than a third of them check it at least five times per day. With so many Aussies checking into their social media accounts every day, that’s more than enough of a reason to ensure your brand doesn’t miss the boat.

Social media marketing for small business can be as simple as a basic online presence. The most popular platforms are Facebook (94% of us use this one) and Instagram (46%), so at the very least, create a business account on each, keep it updated with company information, schedule regular posts and check them regularly to respond to messages and comments.

Social media platforms icons

DON’T: Try to do it all at once

From social media campaigns, to search engine optimisation (SEO), search engine marketing (SEM), video campaigns, content marketing, and direct marketing, there are many, many areas where you can invest your time and money.

There’s a lot to learn, and a lot of work to do, but trying to do it all at once is more likely to overwhelm you and burn you out than turn you into a digital marketing guru. Choose an area or two to work on at once, then build slowly from there, and bring in expert help if you’d like to speed things up or if you’re feeling out of your depth.

Overwhelmed by digital marketing man

DO: Set a goal for your marketing efforts

A specific goal will help you to give your digital marketing efforts a clear direction, and it can help you to decide which areas to invest in.

For example, you might simply be interested in growing your brand awareness for now, or perhaps you’d like people to try a sample of your product, or perhaps there is a product or service you’d like to increase in sales by 50%.

Whatever your goal, it will help to shape any digital marketing campaigns you create, and give you something to measure at the end.

Goal setting SMART

DON’T: Forget mobile audiences

People surfing the web account for roughly half of all internet use, meaning that you can’t afford to forget about those using their mobile phones to access your website and email newsletters, as you could lose as much as half of your audience.

Google offers a free mobile-friendly tester that will tell you just how friendly – or menacing – your website is to mobile users, and will also share ways you can make improvements.

mobile first

DO: Bring in freelancers to help

SMB digital marketing is no walk in the park, but it can be if you bring someone on board to walk with you.

Today’s digital economy means there are freelancers offering their skills in practically every area of digital marketing. You could bring in a strategist, content writer, social media expert, Google My Business guru, or whatever it is you need to make your marketing goals happen.

A freelancer can free up your time, and save you from hiring a full-time staff member when you only need occasional assistance.

Online small business marketing is, at its heart, all about creating connections with your audiences. White Pages can help you connect to those who can make that happen, and can help to connect your audiences to your brand as well.